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Project Concept

Create a newsletter to be housed on the National Assessment Governing Board website so that the e-newsletter teasers can link to the full articles. Due to Federal Mandates, all issues need to be archived and available when a new issue is created.

  • Fireworks
  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • Javascript
  • jQuery


Meetings with the marketing company to collaborate on design and concept; meetings with the client to define user needs.

Target Audience

Members of the National Assessment Governing Board’s email list

Design Solution

Using a grid similar to the e-newsletter’s, all of the articles are accessible from the home page. The “read more” buttons are yellow to be prominent on the page and the rest of the information is easily accessible and readable. All color combinations used are WCAG 2.0 AAA/Sec 508 compliant. The interior pages include a pull out navigation to ensure easy access to the other articles in the issue. The issue information and share buttons are in a prominent bar near the top of the page.